Sunday, October 2, 2011

::31 days::day two::

Ooooooh, this has been a long, interesting, eventful, beautiful day.  It will be wonderful to make it through this post with minimal typos.

One of my challenges is to write five letters.  In this technological world, I think a hand-written note means even more to people.  At least it does to me.  I love, love, love receiving mail.  It makes my day shine so much!

So I want to pass on a little love to some certain someone's with a little note in the mail.  Actually, it may be more than five.  :)  I have some things to say....all positive, of course!

They will be written tonight -- before I go to bed.  I wanted this post to be up before midnight hence the reason I'm blogging before doing.....and the notes will be posted tomorrow.

I'm super [high-five!!!!] stoked about Tuesday's challenge.  Let's just say, Hopefully, it doesn't rain.

See ya tomorrow for day three of my favorite month!


1 comment:

Melanie said...

You have a beautiful blog!

I blog at 'Only A Breath', and I'd love for you to stop by when you have time. I'm writing about "31 Days to Love Your Neighbor". :)
Have a great day!
Melanie :)