Monday, September 3, 2012

::and look at these cuties::

Aren't these girls just the absolute cutest??!!!  

The kids at the church in Kabwe are so, so, so adorable.  You can imagine that the two beautiful girls with blonde hair are Leon's nieces [Madissen on the left; Teija on the right].  The other two cuties are Naomi [on the left] and Mercy [sitting right next to me].

The power was out in the church on my last Sunday night there.  So some of us were sitting on the steps waiting a bit before going into the dark auditorium.  No worries though, the power came on right right before church started.   Super-duper on-time and convenient those Zesco people are, I tell ya.

I'm going up to Michigan to spend a few days with my grandparents before I start work on Thursday.  Stretching out the month-long vacation a few days longer is what I do best.

On a serious note, my Opa [grandpa] was diagnosed with cancer the day I left for Zambia.  So, spending time with my grandparents is absolutely essential at this point.

Happy Labor Day, everyone!

What are your plans?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture!