Tuesday, February 14, 2012

::Happy Valentine's Day::

I had another post planned for today and then remembered: It's Valentine's Day.

 The day of loooooove.

It is absolutely amazing and a testament to the changing, life-altering power of the Holy Spirit that I am happy on a day like today.

If you would have told me February 14, 2002 [I was a freshman in college] that that would be the first of many, many single Valentine's, I would have thought you were cra-zy.  Doesn't every starry-eyed freshman girl believe she will be married shortly after her senior year of college?

I know God has my future in His hands.

Here are a few quotes from one of my favorite books, Keep a Quiet Heart, to encourage any "singles" who may be reading here today.
Be quiet, why this anxious heed
About thy tangled ways?
God knows them all, He giveth speed,
And He allows delays.
Neither go back in fear and misgiving to the past, nor in anxiety and forecasting to the future; but lie quiet under His hand, having no will but His.

For me, Valentine's Day is hope for the future.  I never want to give up on God because I never know what treasure store of abundant blessing He has for me right around the corner.  I believe in Him.  And even if I never get married, God is still good.  All the time.  God is good, so gracious, and unbelievably kind.

Happy [heart] day.



Steph Creekmur said...

The justified text looks great, friend! :) Happy Valentines Day! :)

Steph Creekmur said...

Oh & PS - the right one will come along in HIS time. And you are wonderful on your own! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Rebecca! You're sweet and loving spirit in this post and every post is a blessing!!!!!