Monday, January 9, 2012

::endless gifts 601-615::

This year, I am using the word more to push me through this year. I don't have a list of New Year's resolutions, per se. However, I want 2012 to be a year of more prayer, more thankfulness, more obedience to the Holy Spirit, more kindness, more immersion in ministry and service to others,etc.etc.

Several years ago, I first heard the quote
What if you only had today what you thanked God for yesterday.
It struck a chord with me then and it still makes me pause and think.

I believe that no matter how thankful we are, there's room for more thankfulness.

When I actually begin to think + thank God for all the blessings in my life, it is easy to become overwhelmed.  There is no way I could compose a complete list of thankfulness in one blog post.

601.  new mercies from my Heavenly Father every day.  [Lamentations 3:22-23]
602.  the Bible, my Guide Book
603.  the Holy Spirit, my Comforter.  [John 14:26]
604.  delicious food every day of the week
605.  wonderful parents who love the Lord and want to serve + love Him all their lives
606.  a brother who has the same goals as me -----> marry a godly mate + serve the Lord + honor our parents
607.  a wonderful church family
608.  a good job
609.  modes of transportation to get me where I need to go
610.  my five senses [sight, taste, smell, touch, hearing]...can you imagine not having one of those??
611.  friends of like-minded faith
612.  ministries to serve the Lord in through my local church
613.  my salvation
614.  an education
615.  small blessings each day that are evidence of God's goodness

Now, I need to tuck my thankfulness journal in my purse and begin anew to use it more frequently.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great list. Thanks for sharing