Monday, February 28, 2011

endless gifts {481-490}

481. a quick chat with my friend, sweet Emma, before church and her sincere How are you doing?
482. a stressful situation ending safely and well
483. my Dad landing safely [albeit very late] on Saturday night from his all week meetings in AZ
484. [once again] my nanny job [serious big heart here]
485. grace to make it through last week
486. Saturday visitation and chats with Lorena
487. broken internet at home
488. cheap gas
489. hymns in church [specifically, Make Me a Channel of Blessing]
490. my friend, Jen, and her encouragement this week.

Happy Monday, folks...

Monday, February 21, 2011

endless gifts {471-480}

God was so unbelievably gracious to me last week. The word that was in my mind was lovingkindness.  He provided for me and blessed me in ways that were special to me.

471. His lovingkindness
472. His provision
473. working out my schedule on Friday
474. helping me get through Pachabel's Canon on my cello [woohoo!]
475. the Holy Spirit starting to work in my heart to prepare me for....
476. ...Sunday night's sermon [which I needed]

gifts that I tweeted about...all with the hashtag #1000gifts
477. Friends that answer their phones
478. A wonderful, productive, encouraging day
479. In a "ridiculously, good mood" on Valentine's day.  Here are my exact words..."Epic...especially since I'm single.  God is so good to me!" #1000gifts
480. 42 degrees and melting snow

Happy Monday, folks...

Monday, February 14, 2011

endless gifts {461-470}

461. a good Sunday
462. answered prayer [again]
463. Saturday night babysitting
464. delivered pizza
465. Oma is feeling better today [4 rounds of chemo down, 2 to go]
466. part-time solution to the cleaning dilemma
467. guidance from the Heavenly Father
468. yummy lemon cake
469. a blog post that was an encouragement
470. Valentine's from the Wasielewski boys
[let me explain...The W. family is the sweetest family ever. I'm going to brag on them a bit. They were on our guest list for our fab New Year's Eve party. The guests we have is what makes the party fab, by the way. Moving on, Martha told me last night after church her boys made a list of people they wanted to give Valentine's to....people they thought would not be receiving a Valentine.  And I was on the list.  How adorably sweet is that?  So I got my Valentine's cookies this morning.  So sweet.  Oh, and the oldest is in 1st grade, so how thoughtful are they?! They are being trained early and well, I might add!]

Happy Valentine's day, everyone...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

endless gifts {451-460}

[I didn't do a gratitude post on Monday like I have been doing. And it showed. Today. Grrrr...]

451. my Mother [and her endless patience]
452. another break from cleaning [thank you for the snow]
453. new attachments for my sewing machine
454. another finished apron [not perfect but I got it done]
455. a sale in my shop
456. mercy and forgiveness
457. [earthly friends may prove untrue, doubts and fears assail, One still loves and cares for you, One Who never fails....] JESUS NEVER FAILS, Jesus never fails, Heav'n and earth may pass away but Jesus never fails.
458. almost done with my quilt [squeal]
459. grace
460. continuing to learn and grow as a person