Monday, August 17, 2009

from my gratitude journal

holy experience

25. fresh, fragrant oregano from the garden
26. a website that answers questions regarding frugality
27. getting a lot accomplished in one day
28. my grandparents' health
29. a chatty email from my Mom while my parents are on vacation
30. a new CD
31. tomatoes from our garden minus the dreaded "blight" (for now!)
32. Saturday was a very rough day but I was so thankful for #1 an errand in the country, #2 an open road, #3 an open sun roof, and #4 a new CD

1 comment:

Traci Michele said...

I loved your post....

I too, am counting God's faithfulness, and His overflowing blessings.

Nice to "meet you"... don't ever stop counting :-)
